A Guide for Hotels That Host Events

Making a name for your hospitality operations and optimizing property meeting space can sometimes mean being the top venue for area events. If you want to solidify your property as the place to be, you’ll want to stay aware of event trends and changes. That’s why we’ve collected a list of 2024 trends for hotels that host events thanks to Cvent.

Read on to learn more.

Dealing With Price Changes

Catering service. Restaurant table with food. Wedding celebration, decoration. Dinner time, lunch.

Across industries, concerns about pricing will likely stay top of mind through 2024. This will have a big effect on event professionals, leading them to rely more strongly on their venue partnerships and drive ancillary revenue. Hospitality operators can differentiate themselves by offering value-added services, flexible pricing packages, and collaborative solutions that cater to evolving budget constraints without compromising quality and the guest experience.


A Change in Accessibility Standards

More and more event planners are focusing on making events accessible to all attendees. That means focusing on improving both in-person and digital experiences. Resorts and hotels that host events can invest in tech-enabled accessibility features and streamlined processes to accommodate diverse needs to showcase how customer-centric they are.

Continued Staffing Challenges Have an Impact

Catering service. Restaurant table with food. Wedding celebration, decoration. Dinner time, lunch.

While staffing shortages are improving, they aren’t fully behind us. That means that event professionals may prioritize their hotels and resorts that have larger staffs to handle the guest influx. Focusing on keeping your current staff happy and creating efficient processes to manage operations workflow will make your location a great venue option.


Doing It All Digitally

Women's hand typing on mobile smartphone, Live Chat Chatting on application Communication Digital Web and social network Concept. Work from home.

These days, hospitality customers can do almost anything online. Booking event venues is certainly no different. A major trend that resorts and hotels that host events should follow as a best practice is the prevalence of digital booking. According to Cvent, 85% of event planners said they’re more likely to book venues that offer online booking. Additionally, many travelers are more comfortable with meeting booking agents and salespersons remotely rather than in person.

What’s the takeaway for operators? Offer digital booking options or risk falling behind.

It’s Time to Modernize

For hospitality operators seeking to fully capitalize on these trends and elevate their service levels, contact a Foodbuy Hospitality representative to explore how our industry-leading expertise can proliferate your success in 2024.

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